Using the << Delimiter
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Platform/Xbasic/Using the Delimiter.xml
The Format parameter in the UI_DLG_BOX() command can be extremely long. It is not practical to enter the dialog Format on a single line between quotes. The << delimiter in an Xbasic script is used when you want to enter a long quoted string over many lines. The syntax of the << delimiter is:
LT Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/Data Type/Character Functions/Case Functions/LT Function.xml
Converts a string to lower case and trims trailing/leading blanks.
> Greater Than
/documentation/pages/Ref/Xbasic/Operators/Comparison Operators/Greater Than.xml
This operator results in TRUE if the expression on the left is greater than the expression on the right.
-> (Parent Child Relationship)
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Database/Table/Parent-child relationship operator.xml

When you need to provide a fully qualified field name in an expression, you place -> between the Table_Name and Field_Name. This is necessary when an expression contains references to fields in multiple tables or when an expression does not have a table context that supplies a default value for Table_Name.

When referencing a field created in the context of a table or layout, you refer to it with the prefix var->, indicating that it is a member of the group of variables.

When referencing a calculated field, you refer to it with the prefix calc->, indicating that it is a member of the group of calculated values.

< Less Than
/documentation/pages/Ref/Xbasic/Operators/Comparison Operators/Less Than.xml
This operator results in TRUE if the expression to the left of the operator is less than the expression to the right.
table.RULES_GET Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Database/Table/TABLE.RULES_GET Method.xml
Provides access to the tables field rules.
A5.GET_NAME Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/Project/A5/A5.GET_NAME Method.xml
The A5.GET_NAME() method returns the filename of the current database (.adb file).
<<%DELIMITER% ... %DELIMITER% allows you to define a quoted character string. This command is typically used when the string includes carriage return-line feed characters (CR-LF).
table.NAME_GET Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Database/Table/TABLE.NAME_GET Method.xml
Get the name or alias of the table.
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Database/Field/FIELD.NAME_GET Method.xml
The .NAME_GET() method returns the Field_Name of a field referenced by the object pointer.